
These are conversations with Jesus.  I remember them only because I wrote them down.  And I'm sharing them only because God prompted me to.  Much of what He shares with me could be what He is revealing to your heart as well.  Or maybe you just needed to be reminded that God still speaks, still cares, still wants to be known by you deeply and intimately.

Of course, not all my prayers are conversations.  I'm not always still enough to hear God's voice.  And to be honest, I'm not always seeking to hear His voice (even writing that statement is urging me to seek Him more)!  Often my prayers are rushed supplications.  There seems to be no end to what I need God to do for me and my family.  The list is long and by the time I'm finished I'm just too tired to hear what He would have to say.  But I'm learning to ask Him questions.  And I'm learning that God loves to be asked questions!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

You were mine first

I said:  Jesus, you are my first love.

God said
:  And you are mine.
I will always remember the day I placed you in your mother's arms.

I wept at your birth.

I so carefully and lovingly created you in your mother's womb.
It was I who whispered your name in her ear.
My _______.
My lovely _______.
My darling daugther.
My treasure.